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Indeo® Video Version 3.2 and Indeo Video Interactive Version 4.1

Question: What is the difference between Indeo® video Release 3.2 and Indeo video interactive Release 4.1?
Indeo video interactive is the latest release of Indeo technology. A t a given data rate, it yields better image quality than Release 3.2. In fact, it often produces better image quality at lower data rates. It is optimized for playback on Pentium® processor-based systems.

Indeo video interactive also includes a wide variety of features to support developers of interactive multimedia applications. See the section entitled "Answers for Application Developers and Video Producers" for details on these features.

Release 3.2 is an older release of Indeo video, designed for Intel486™ processor­based systems, although it still provides good quality on Pentium® processor-based systems.

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